Three Ways to Know When the Credit Crisis Hits Bottom
October 25, 2008
By Keith Fitz-Gerald
Investment Director
Money Morning/The Money Map Report

“Have we seen the worst from the financial sector?”

The question – a very good one – came from an audience member following my global investing presentation at the Agora Wealth Symposium in Vancouver, British Columbia. During my entire time there, the interest in the ongoing credit crisis was intense. I took a deep breath and launched into my three-point response.

First, I’m encouraged by what I see lately but still believe there is a fair distance to travel before all the skeletons are cleaned out of the financial sector’s closet.

There is a growing body of data that suggests banks have recognized only a fraction of the overall potential losses – approximately $50 billion to $75 billion so far on subprime debt alone.

And a variety of estimates suggest that total subprime losses may be more than $300 billion before we’re through.

And that figure, incidentally, doesn’t include the additional losses from secondary-prime mortgage loans, auto loans, credit card balances, student loans and the other credit-related flotsam and jetsam floating around in the debt markets.

That suggests that the hundreds of billions of dollars in emergency capital infusions from the world’s central bankers we’ve seen to date may only be a fraction of what’s ultimately needed by the time fully leveraged figures are thrown into the mix.

Second, liquidity conditions now may actually be worse than when the entire credit-crisis mess began to unravel this time last year. For example, the benchmark London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) remains higher than so-called “policy rates” and U.S. Treasuries of comparable maturities.

This suggests that banks still don’t trust each other and therefore are keeping so-called “Interbank” borrowing rates high in order to reflect what they perceive to be the added risk of doing business. We’ve been warning investors to watch out for this since as far back as April, and have generally been preaching caution since the credit crisis began last year.

In other words, the fact that Libor-Treasury spreads are wider today than they were a year ago suggests that the banks really don’t know who continues to hold the toxic debt instruments the entire world has come to fear – despite a recent earnings parade of CEOs making claims to the contrary.

The upshot: Many institutions are hoarding cash - something you’d hardly expect to see if the credit crisis were really on the mend.

Third, judging from recent reports, it’s beginning to dawn on financial regulators that this crisis was never about a lack of liquidity in the first place, which is something I suggested in an open letter to U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke some time ago.

Instead, this crisis is about three things:
• Too much liquidity.
• Fundamental structural problems in the credit industry, including the almost-total lack of regulation.
• And the lack of transparency of complex financial instruments for which there is no public market, making them tough to value and nearly impossible to trade.

It is becoming clearer by the day that – partly because of these three factors – a good deal of money has been made fraudulently, if not illegally.

Granted recent changes surrounding the “mark-to-market” accounting of so-called “Level 3” assets are a step in the right direction. But what few people realize is that, in the short-term, these new requirements could involve the immediate recognition of even larger losses than we’ve seen to date.

The reason is that many of the firms involved – think Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. (MER), Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH) and Citigroup Inc. (C), for example – will no longer be able to hide their losses in Level 3 assets, as they have in the past.

As you might expect, there’s a counterargument to this, and it’s a highly popular one on Wall Street - especially inside the CEO set, whose members desperately want to stop the financial hemorrhaging their firms are enduring. They claim they’re “selling” risky assets and “de-leveraging” their balance sheets.

But here’s what they are not telling you.

Even though these folks are technically “selling” assets – particularly the distressed “Level 3” assets I mentioned a bit earlier – what they are really doing is assigning the upside to hedge funds, private equity firms, and sovereign wealth funds in exchange for cash.

And here’s the kicker: The banks actually are holding onto the downside liability in the event the underlying securities go bad. That brings us back to the start of this commentary, when I said that I expect more securities to go bad.

No matter how you look at it, these financial institutions are playing a vicious shell game, hoping all the while that they’re not the loser who is taken to the cleaners when he picks up the wrong shell.

Where this goes from bad to worse is that at the same time they’re playing more fancy accounting tricks, these firms continue to pony up to the Fed’s private backdoor lending window for sweetheart financing. After all, they can’t get the financing anywhere else.

That means that every taxpayer in this country is involuntarily being put in the bailout business. As for whether or not we’re near the end of the credit crisis as a whole, it depends on whom you ask.

When this crisis started a year ago, I was asked a similar question and answered it by saying that we would not even begin to approach the end of the line until the total losses exceeded $1 trillion.

My audience chuckled politely.

Fast-forward 12 months, and nobody’s laughing anymore – especially when I say that I’m now raising my industry loss estimate to nearly $2 trillion.
Increasingly, other analysts are embracing a similar viewpoint. UBS AG (UBS) raised it’s estimate of the total cost of the credit crisis to $600 billion, while noted hedge fund manager John Paulson suggested $1.3 trillion is not unthinkable.

Meanwhile, in a report issued last May, the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) projected the bailout costs at $1 trillion.
All of this leads us to a single conclusion: At least for now, this is a “recovery” in name only.

[Editor’s Note: The “Super Crash” isn’t coming… it’s already here. Combined, the swirling forces of inflation, the credit crunch, exploding trade deficit, stagnate economy will cost the average American $85,000 dollars over the next 6 to 18 months. But over 50,000 investors are already using Peter Schiff’s unique strategy for profiting from the “Super Crash.” And now – for
the first time – you’ll be able to join them for free.]

Copyright 2008–present,Monument Street Publishing, LLC 105W.Monument St., Baltimore,MD 21201
All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or placed on any electronic medium without written permission from the
publisher. Information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

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Fed orders emergency rate cut to 1.5 percent
October 08, 2008
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Federal Reserve, acting in coordination with other
global central banking authorities, cut a key U.S. interest rate by half a
percentage point Wednesday to steady an economy teetering on a collapse
reminiscent of the 1929 stock market crash.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues ratcheted down their key rate
by 0.5 percentage point to 1.5 percent. The action revives the central bank's
rate-cutting campaign which had been halted in June out of concerns that those
low rates would worsen inflation. Since then, however, economic and financial
conditions have dangerously deteriorated, forcing the Fed to reverse course.

The fact that the Fed felt it couldn't wait until its regularly scheduled
meeting on Oct. 28-29, underscored the urgency of the situation.

The Fed took the action in a coordinated move with other central banks,
which also were cutting their rates.

"The pace of economic activity has slowed markedly in recent months," the
Fed said "Moreover, the intensification of financial market turmoil is likely to
exert additional restraint on spending, partly by further reducing the ability
of households and businesses to obtain credit."

Although inflation has been high, the Fed believes that the recent drop in
energy prices and the weaker prospects for economic activity have reduced this
threat to the economy.

In Europe, which also has been hard hit by the financial crisis, the Bank of
England cut its rate by half a point to 4.5 percent, while the European Central
Bank sliced its rate to 3.75 percent.

In addition, the Fed reduced its emergency lending rate to banks by half a
percentage point to 1.75 percent. Given the intense credit crisis, banks have
been ramping up their borrowing from the Fed's emergency "discount" window.

In response, the prime lending rate for millions of borrowers will drop by a
corresponding amount. The prime rate applies to certain credit cards, home
equity lines of credit and other loans.

The hope was to spur nervous consumers and businesses to spend more freely
again. They clamped down as housing, credit and financial problems intensified
last month, throwing Wall Street into chaos. Many believe the country is on the
brink of, or already in, its first recession since 2001.

The Fed's last rate cut was in late April, capping one of the most
aggressive rate-cutting campaigns in decades as it scrambled to shore up the
faltering economy. After that, the Fed moved to the sidelines, holding rates
steady as zooming food and energy prices during that period threatened to ignite
inflation. In the past few months, energy prices have retreated from record
highs reached in mid-July, giving the Fed more leeway to drop rates again.

At its last meeting in September, the Fed struck a more dire tone about the
economy, hinting that a rate reduction once again could be in the offing.

Even with the unprecedented $700 billion financial bailout quickly signed
into law by President Bush on Friday, the failing economy and the jobs market
probably will get worse. Many believe the economy will jolt into reverse later
this year -- if it hasn't already-- and will stay sickly well into next year.

One of the most crucial pillars of the economy -- the jobs market -- has
cracked, and wage growth is slowing. This means that consumers will be even more
hard-pressed to spend in the fashion that helps grow the economy.

Increasingly skittish employers slashed payrolls by 159,000 in September,
the most in more than five years. A staggering 760,000 jobs have disappeared so
far this year. The unemployment rate is 6.1 percent, up sharply from 4.7 percent
a year ago.

The unemployment rate could hit 7 or 7.5 percent by late 2009. If that
happens, it would mark the highest rate of joblessness since the months
immediately following the 1990-91 recession. Some economists say the jobless
rate could rise even more before the situation starts to get better.

Mounting job losses, shrinking paychecks, shriveling nest eggs and rising
foreclosures all have weighed heavily on American voters. The economy is their
No. 1 concern, polls have shown.

Spooked consumers and businesses have pulled back so much that some analysts
fear the economy stalled -- or even worse, shrank -- in the July-to-September
quarter. Many predict the economy will contract in both the final quarter of
this year and the first quarter of next year, meeting the classic definition of
a recession.

The financial crisis that intensified in September is forcing a seismic
shake-up on Wall Street.

Lehman Brothers, the country's fourth-largest investment bank, filed for
bankruptcy protection. A weakened Merrill Lynch, deciding it couldn't go it
alone anymore, found help in the arms of Bank of America. American International
International Group was thrown a financial lifeline. And, the last two
investment houses -- Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley -- decided to convert
themselves into commercial banks to better weather the financial storm. The
number of banks that have failed this year are up sharply from last year. On
Friday, Wachovia Corp. said it will be acquired by Wells Fargo & Co. wiping out
Wachovia's previous plan to sell its banking operations to rival suitor
Citigroup Inc.

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